We went on holiday. Just Kidding... We went on vacation. You can't go ON holiday. You take a vacation because there is a holiday.
...and you can't go to hospital. You have to go to
THE hospital.
Don't worry. Nobody has been to the hospital lately.
...Crazy British words...
(AND I haven't forgot about Michaela's birthday which was on October 10th and the crazy all night party she had the night before with ten girls... but those pictures are on the camera that hates me so I can't get them off right now.)
We drove to Switzerland. :) Seriously, who would have thought. :) Sometimes I'd just like to tell people who knew me as a teenager, "Hey! My husband and I just drove our FOUR kids to Switzerland for the week!!!"
Anyways, last week was the October week long potato vacation everyone gets in Europe so we took the week and drove to Southern Germany, then through Austria and into Switzerland.
We drove from Hamburg to Fussen Germany in one day, 8.5 hours... only stopping ONCE. If you aren't impressed than you have obviously never traveled with children.
The first day we stopped in Fussen for a few days and saw the HUGE Disneyland castle, the Neuschwanstein, and it's neighbor castle of Hohenstein. The Neuschwanstein castle was HUGE and we HIKED all the way up! CARRYING a sleeping POOZIE! :) Good thing Happy has big muscles. :) We walked out on this crazy bridge that was made of wooden planks and made me a stressed out mess within two minutes. Take the picture and get my family off the bridge. UGH. The bridge and view was amazing, but only because I saw the picture I took ...at the time I hated it.

The next day we tried to visit Zugspitze, the highest mountain in Germany, but it was too cloudy so we made friends with the attendant and she told us some places to go in town. We drove around the cute little German towns and came across a summer toboggan ride that the kids loved so we rode that for a while.

On the day we were supposed leave Fussen and drive to Switzerland we went back to the Zugspitze mountain and took the train to the top. It was pretty cool. HA get it...? Cool? It was freezing cold. Below freezing cold. It was -8 on top of the mountain and with an evil wind that just plain hurt. But the kids didn't care. They rode those little sleds down the hill like champs while Paul and I took turns watching because we are old and have a concept of what cold is.

This is my favorite picture of all times.

Michaela had sledded down the hill and went further than anyone else, which only meant she had to
walk further up back up the hill. Meanwhile, Sierra had been wanting to go in because she didn't have her gloves. She looked down and saw Michaela and noticed she was having some trouble coming up the hill. Little Bear took off down the hill and carried Michaela's sled up the hill for her. Please keep in mind we were on top of a -8 degree mountain... the highest one in Germany and the wind is a zillion miles per hour. See, Sierra really loves Michaela. This makes me happy.
Poozie and Scotty liked it too. This made me happy too. Scotty kept saying, "Take my picture so I can show my friends where I went". We bought a postcard so he could take it to school.

Oh, and to get to the top of this mountain we took an hour train ride with the last half hour through a tunnel. Then we took a gondola to the top. The view was pretty good though. Happy wanted to see mountains. We saw mountains. :)