Monday, June 14, 2010

Sing with me!!!!

da da da da da da daaaaaaa... We're comin' to America. da da da da da da daaaaaa.... We're comin' to America. :)

I remember listening to that cassette tape in my parents car while on a very long trip from somewhere to somewhere ...but that's all I know.

I was getting pretty frustrated with the whole acquisition of the plane tickets but my wonderful husband yelled at someone and we got tickets. I'm sorry to whoever he yelled at, but that person was about to make us miss our summer trip home. Which, by the way everyone... next summer we will be staying here in Europe. We always leave at the only time of year this place has halfway decent weather and we are planning a big road trip... if we don't chicken out. We'll try to make our yearly trip home in May or December. But that's next year....

As for this year... IN 13 DAYS TO BE EXACT!!!! I will be headed back to the land of happiness. (California) :) I'm really impressed at how improved my mood is just knowing that on June 29th at 7:00 AM I will be on a big airplane all set up to spend 24 hours of traveling with my four young children. :) We are going to California for three weeks and then onto Canada for three weeks. I'm super excited, but stressed out at the same time because it's just in 13 days! Yesterday I made and froze individual metaloaves and lasagnas for Happy because he has to stay behind in Hamburg and work while we are in California... someone has to fund this trip I guess. :) WE LOVE YOU HAPPY!!!

It's hard leaving him. Last year when we left him we were all pretty sad about it. He helped us through security and then said bye... It was a little depressing and tears were involved. Now I'm sad, we'll miss him. ...really. BUT HE'S NO MATCH FOR AN IN-N-OUT BURGER and TACO BELL!!!! :) (hee hee) He just can't take that much time off of work all at once. Six weeks is a lot. We are lucky and we know it.

He will meet us in Toronto where we spend three weeks with his parents. I am hoping our friends, Peanut Butter Cookie Woman and her Engineer can come and visit us too. mUm, can I invite some friends over? :)

I've decided that the secret to survival over here is to always have something to look forward to. If you don't, it's extremely difficult because every week becomes pretty ick and the same old things, nothing to "get ready" for. After my parents left I had nothing else to look forward too. To look forward for something you have to have it confirmed and have an exact date, or else it doesn't really work, "over here" I've learned that nothing is definite without a confirmation number and a reservation. Then you can get excited...

So until August I'm all set up and I have two sets of friends planning on visiting in September from the States so even when we get back here I'll be all set up with something else to look forward to!!


C and H Romenesko said...

Yippeee! Ok, we need to chat to coordinate trips. How's your schedule this week? I could call you at 6am (1pm your time) any day this week. Let me know.

MoMo 2.0 said...

We are also leaving on the 29th at 7am! Wonder if we are on the same flight?! Now wouldn't that be CRAZY?!?!?!

and you are so right about having things to look forward to!

Ingrid said...

Hey, you can also look forward to a trip to Århus and a trip to London maybe :-))) !
And I understand you are not the only one planning on going to California at that time... fun!
Did I miss your phone call...?

Tara said...

Kelli... want to carpool to the airport. :) Will you come out the night before. You can cash in on your latte at the airport probably. :)

Ingrid, I fell asleep... sorry! I'll call in a minute. :)

Tara said...

Kelli... want to carpool to the airport. :) Will you come out the night before. You can cash in on your latte at the airport probably. :)

Ingrid, I fell asleep... sorry! I'll call in a minute. :)


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