Sunday, November 21, 2010

International Fair

Last Saturday was the kids "International Fair" at school. It is a giant fundraiser for the school at which we already pay a giant tuition. Better than selling wrapping paper I guess... :)

From what I hear this fair is the biggest school event for the year. Every country comes up with their own booth and sells things from their country... typically food. So I spent some time eating some really good food from Japan, Mexico, and New Zealand... and it was all made by real Japanese, Mexicans, and New Zealanders, so it was homemade and yummy. :)

I also spent a little time at the American booth playing games with kids and handing out tootsie rolls and silly bands as gifts. The American booth sold Root Beer, Hagan Daas ice cream, candy, brownies made from a box, and... Jack Daniels Whiskey.

Yep, alcohol at a school event.

I've been to this school's events before where wine and champagne was being offered, but this was different because it was noon and they were selling whiskey to people! :) It became oh-so-much-weirder when I saw people walking around selling SHOTS OF TEQUILA for two euros! It's not a bar, it's a school! ...and it's noon!! ...but people were buying and drinking it and I even watched some of the older kids trying to buy it. :)


The kids had fun though, I was happy to see them running around with their friends drinking root beer and eating American candy. :)

Oh, the Canadian booth... there wasn't one. :( There is only a handful of Canadians at the school and they just opted out this year. I tried to rally them together during the last week so I put Paul in a booth... but there really wasn't time to put it together. Next year though. They can sell tim-bits, swiss chalet sauce, and maple syrup. :)

This year some of the smaller or less represented countries combined with a common "name" like, "Scandinavia". I guess America could have been "North America" and could have included Canada ...but they didn't. :)

I did buy some Canadian bagels last week to support them... even though I'm not even sure how bagels relate to Canada. :)

1 comment:

franziengland said...

Sounds like a great event! We are going to have "Holiday treat" this week at our school. It is not a charity thing, but the parents (read moms) will stand there and serve typical food for their countries. The Swedes will of course serve meatballs.
Today we went to Swedish church for their Christmas market. That was charity, so we have made that too :) .


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