Monday, April 16, 2012

NH Pictures

No time to write.  :)  I'll let you figure it out by looking at the pictures..  Better than nothing!!

Easter Egg Hunt at park.
Tons of free books at the Library.
Squirrel Friends in the backyard who love peanuts.
#1, 2, 3 signed up for soccer.
I coach #2.
#3 signed up for T-ball.
Andrea loves her Puky bike and we take it everywhere.

My favorite part so far:  Not taking the kids to school, talking to random people while shopping, and eating cereal.

I'm going to eat cereal and go to bed.

I think I have a cereal problem.

At least cereal is fortified here, so I'm pretty sure it's giving me all the nutrition I need.  :)

PS.  Kids got sunburned yesterday at soccer!  It's supposed to be 32C tomorrow!!!  I don't know Fahrenheit  yet ...I'm sure I'll turn back into a good American soon enough!  The nice weather has made all the difference.  Go NH!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

3 out of 4 school

Quick little update on school!  

Today is Day 2 for Scotty.  He started yesterday and had a great time.  He said he's made friends and his favorite part was computer class.  Nothing too exciting for now, but he likes it and his teacher is really sweet.  Scotty will even get to ride the bus which stops at the end of our driveway at 8:30am ...his school doesn't start until 9:00AM!!  Crazy!  ...but it's nice because he can hang out and play computer and watch cartoons while I get the girls out the door for their school ...which starts at 8:00AM!

In Germany, ISH started at 8:30, which is really in between Scotty's late starting, 9AM, school and The Girl's early starting, 8AM school.  I'm not sure why I find 8:00am super early, and 9:00am super late.  Maybe it's because I'm stuck in my ways and pretty opposed to change.  I guess 8:30 was just right.  :)  I guess I'll have to get over it.

So tomorrow Scotty will ride the school bus to and from school ...and there is a pretty good chance I'm going to be the crazy mom who follows it in the morning and then in the afternoon be at the school to hide behind the corner to make sure The Boy gets on the right bus to come home.  :)  I will admit to doing that with Michaela and Sierra when they rode the bus in Oregon. :)

Michaela and Sierra started school today (Tuesday).   They were supposed to start school Monday, but the lady who registers new kids wasn't there on Monday...which might have annoyed me had the school counselor not stopped by my house on Easter Sunday, on the way to her mom's house for dinner, just to tell me to bring the girls to school on Tuesday instead of Monday.  :)  Guess she couldn't get through on our phone.  :)

Michaela and Sierra had a good day, nothing too exciting was reported, but there were no tears and both are willing to return so I'm going to go ahead and call it a success.  :)

As for Little Andrea ...I'm holding off on picking a preschool for her until we find our permanent house so her school will be close to us.  I found a few playgroups and music type classes that I still need to look into.  Poozie is pretty jealous that all the other kids get to go to school.  :)

That's all I have... just trying to to fall behind.  I'll have pictures eventually...

Monday, April 9, 2012

We made it!!

We made it!!!

The last few days in Hamburg were pretty tough with last minute packing, keeping the cats in sight, finishing with our house, and last minute kid events, but my friends once again pulled through and we made it!

Our travel here was perfect.  It all started at the Hamburg airport with the Lufthansa guy who, maybe out of pity, ignored the fact that ALL our bags were overweight.  Then he let our cats fly free!  ...which would have been 150 euros per cat.  :)

The next Lufthansa guy at the gate then took one of carry-ons and checked it all the way to Boston for free less bag to manage.

In Frankfurt we actually got seats on that dumb bus that takes you from runway to terminal. Our layover was just long enough for us to eat lunch and then get another one of our carry ons checked at the gate.  Seems there was a space issue in the cabin so checking this carry on wasn't really an option ...and it invoked a little stress because, since we were moving, we were carrying every single important piece of paper we had.  Birth certificates, green card application, cat paperwork, car/house deeds, social security cards, certificates, etc ...enough to fill an entire carry on suitcase!  We took out the most important papers and now we had one less carry on to wrestle with.

We arrived in Boston seven hours later, which, when you are used to a 11 hour flight, seems like such a short amount of time!  Scotty and Andrea didn't even fall asleep!

Boston was the part of the journey when we got to find out if Happy the Canadian actually even got to enter the USA!  We made it through customs and were then escorted to "secondary", which is where you go if the main border control doesn't let you in.  On the way to secondary we walked past out cats who were just being unloaded... so we grabbed them too.  There were no other people in secondary.  Not one.  Just Paul and me, four kids & two cats.  :)  No waiting.  Paul did his thing and in five minutes he had a green card and we were released out into the American Baggage Claim!  YAY!!!

We got all our luggage, bought some cheese-its and lemonade and went to meet our taxi van who was waiting there with a "Happy" sign.  :)  An hour later we made it to our fully furnished home for two months.

...more later, have to get Scotty to SCHOOL!!!!!


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