I've recently wondered why there were so many pigeons hanging around our yard. I think it's because of these lovely little creatures.
Maybe little isn't the right word... I've never seen such big slugs before. Santa Cruz had the banana slugs, but these German slugs are gross! This one was was nearly as big as Scotty's foot.
Yucky huh? It gets better. Just imagine running one over with a lawnmower, or tagging the end of one with your car as you drive in the driveway, or better yet.... stepping on one as you take the garbage out. Disgusting enough yet?
Now I feel bad for saying how gross the slugs are. The slugs on their own are not gross. It's when they get squished and their sluggy guts go everywhere that things get a bit disgusting.
Thought I should share... :)
In Swedish they are called "Murder snails" since they eat everything you want to grow. They are absolutely disgusting and you are "supposted" to go out in your garden every evening and pick all the ones you see and kill them (I am not kidding). There are many ways to kill them, from my own scary experience not all methods work...
Michaela, did you get bored because of my murder snail information ;) ??
What is this.
We removed them by the bucket load from our garden, but because I can't bear to kill anything, we transported them to the nearby golf course and figured rich people could afford to get rid of them any way they wanted. One interesting thing was you could hear them squeaking in the bucket. They are cannibals and will eat other dead slugs...lovely, huh?
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