I found out what yesterday's holiday was. It was "Grundlovs Dag". (Thanks Kelli!) I thought this meant Groundhog's Day... you know, "so many more days of winter or so many more days of summer..." But after I heard it was Grundlovs Dag I thought it was unusual that it was such a big deal. Flags everywhere, flags on the buses, no work or school... Turns out it's "Consitution Day" not Groundhog Day.
AND... today is Denmark Father's Day. I didn't know until I read a comment on my blog so Paul has to wait until later. Acutally, we won't even be here on June 21st, the American Father's Day... so Happy gets Father's Day on the Sunday before. :) He is S U P E R excited. :) I am S U P E R excited to have just two more weeks before I go back to California/Canada.
Paul just made me yummy buttery popcorn. Hold on...
It was good.
So. ...We now own the biggest trampoline in Denmark. :) Our friends moved to Germany this week and they passed on their enormous trampoline to us. It's huge. The kids love it. Our neigherbors hate it. Scotty and Sierra screach and scream and laugh SO LOUD. They spent a good three hours out there today. :) I think it's great ...espically since we had to retire our smaller trampoline when it started to fling springs off into the air as the kids jumped on it.
...and P.S. Scotty isn't allowed to ride his scooter on the trampoline anymore. :) It's not the safest activity. :)
Thanks for the trampoline Annie!!
your house just got even more cool...if that is possible! First an ice machine and espresso maker....now this! I am definitely coming back! :o)
Enjoy the trip 'home.' I leave tomorrow and cannot wait!!!
Oh, we pay abou $20USD for our $ transfers to the US bank. The charge is a DK bank change, not charge by our US credit union. So, we pay about the same as you...and really let's face it, not bad when you're shipping back 20k at a crack :)
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