Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Hotel

We had more visitors! :) I'm happy all my Denmark friends still love me!

We had two families visit with us this last weekend. One family is hopefully going to move here next year so that will make me very happy.

The other family, our friends from Poland, came to stay with us for the weekend... We took them around Hamburg, which was good for us to finally see too. We took the boat ferry up the river, went to the Planten Blomen park, saw some of they city... It was nice to see them again and have them stay with us.

The Happy Hotel is already booked for another weekend! YAY KERSTIN!!! She has reserved her room with the promise of a box of Cheerios. :) (I still think it's funny I'm importing food from Denmark.)

As for our weather... It's been cold and despite it's technically been warm I'm getting pretty tired of it really being cold. Not quite sure I can deal with this poopy weather much longer... I've decided that if the world voted, California would win for the best weather... but you are only allowed to vote if you have lived in California. :)

1 comment:

Ingrid said...

Hi, Good to hear you had a great weeekend! I met E today and if not counting the car problems, she was happy with everything. May, so far, is really bad this year, but yesterday was sunny so hopefully it will change now...
Tomorrow we leave for London trying to find a house. Hugs.


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