It's hard to take a picture of Poozle when she is not smiling. So here is her smile...
She had her shots a few days ago too. She wasn't very happy about it, but managed to smile at the doctor on the way out. She did get a fever and I got to use some of our stockpile of American Drugs. All better... and she thought the medicine was yummy too. she smiled. :)
Little Andrea will also get to eat real people food soon too!! I'm a little sad I don't get to go shopping in the cute jarred baby food aisle though. I'll probably have to make baby food like they did in the olden days. I wonder if they even had bananas back then? :) Can I just squish a banana and feed it to her? I may have had three kids before her, but I also had a doctor and some trusty magazines telling me what to do.
Anyways... today was cold. Gee, yesterday was cold too. Today I had great plans to take the kids ice skating downtown... but I quickly lost all motivation when I woke up to snow on the roof. I'm officially tired of being cold; and I've developed an extreme irritation with long sleeves. I can't wear anything but T-shirts or I get grumpy. I do have a reasonable explanation for this though. If I have a sweatshirt on in the house or long sleeved something I will eventually have to start dealing with kids. They irritate me, I get hot. I get more irritated because I'm getting hot. Oh, it's complicated. I just don't like long sleeves and I live in a cold place... it's bad. :)
While I'm talking about cold and clothing... I don't bundle up my children in eight layers when we leave the house. I give them a coat and they have to wear a hat if it's below freezing or windy. Other kids show up at the grocery store with snowsuits, boots, insulated gloves, scarves, hats... like they are going skiing! ...then there are mine with their un-zippered coats.
If we are going from house to car to store and back again I see no need for eight layers. I believe in the "run-inside-to-the-warmth" method. I teach the kids to look for cars and to then run as quickly as possible inside. We look like crazy people; running, yelling, laughing, and proclaiming how cold it is (in English) while we SPRINT inside.
If we are going ice skating; then, yep I'll bring out the snowsuits and gloves. ...Plus I'll admit to heating up the car for at least five minutes every morning. It's too cold for Andrea to breathe. :) ...and that's why I pick up Scotty from bornehaven early every day. I figure a half hour of playing outsde in one degree (C) weather is enough cold play time. He'll freeze to death.
Well, if you want to do as the Danes do - you should take the little one, wrap her up in all kinds of layers, put her in a baby carriage, and sit the carriage outside for her nap. No, I'm not kidding :)
Re: The Layers. You sound a little defensive...
*ow* (that was the sound of my reaction as you slap me for above comment).
I must admit to being a bundler, but I tend to bundle at the wrong times. You wait though, at some point, you will notice that the Danish kids run around with way too LITTLE clothes on, and this is because the official time for only going out in a flimsy unzipped jacket is March, when it is still cold, but it's the rule anyway.
PiNG-Patti: I am so with you about the thing with the baby carriage - haven't they heard of the research into SIDS?
ok, she is a DOLL! That smile is just the greatest...
but I have a question.. SERIOUSLY we do not have baby food in DK!?!?!? I need to rethink this pregnancy idea! :o)
Of course you can buy babyfood in Denmark. Just look in any supermarket. There will be both jarred and powderes babyfood next to the formula.
Super super cuteness!
I am also shocked at the lack of variety with baby food here...and the danes don't seem to mind. no babies for me yet though. I guess I'll have to puree things myself when the times comes. more work. along with the planning of laundry so that you can hang it to dry. ugh.
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